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Hotel Reservation Information

The conference for the POMS 29th Annual Conference is being held at the Hilton Americas-Houston.
Conference attendees may use the link below to reserve a room at the conference hotel.

Reserve Your Hotel Room at Hilton

The conference hotel, Hilton Americas-Houston, is sold out.
We have contracted with FOUR SEASONS HOTEL HOUSTON, 1300 Lamar Street, Houston, TX 77010, USA, for discounted rates.

Reserve Your Hotel Room at Four Seasons

  • Click on "Check Availability"
  • Select dates and click "Promo +" to enter the promo code (case sensitive): CI0518PO
  • Confirm room and details

The room rate at Four Seasons is $225 per night as compared to $209 per night at Hilton. Therefore, try to make a reservation at Hilton before making reservations at Four Seasons because the vacancies may arise at Hilton due to cancellations.

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